Monday, April 7, 2014

I Promised Pet Cemetery Kinda. How about the burial of our family friend, my shadow Midnight

We miss our dog Midnight who died of unknown causes at the age of 10 during the winter months.  Exact date, somewhere in the recesses of my mind.

I am writing this blog after a very full day and having taken my medicine for the night.  I am sedated, tired and my vision is blurry.  I felt this was important to get off my mind and also to share with those who would understand the death of a beloved pet is very hard.

I have a four page document just for our family as a memory of the day I buried him, this is the shortened version I used for Facebook, the sentiment is still the same just edited.

I will just say my heart is here in this blog. I called Midnight "Mr. Magic".  He was my shadow, he was my best friend and no matter how mad I got he saw the best there was in me.  Who could as for anything more.

He would not let you near me in this house, he made sure he could see every entryway to wherever I was, and if i was sick in bed he laid across the doorway as if to say, "you have to go through me to get to her, and don't event try it".  He knew my moods, he knew when I looked at him what it I wanted and sometimes he would challenge me.  In the end I picked up our Labrador Retriever and stretched out with him in a recliner wrapped in a blanket,  just because I wanted him to really know I loved him as much as he loved me.

What you have here is the last bit of love I could show to my Mr. Magic, Harrison's best friend, Midnight King.

He is missed, and, will forever be in our hearts.

Yesterday Harrison placed Midnight's red bandanna on his grave. The bandanna marks Midnight's final resting place. After a long winter's wait he was buried a week ago. When Harrison said he didn't want to be there for the burial I decided it was time. I went down to the woods behind our house, tripped over tree roots, crossed a creek, and got slapped by tree branches until I found that peaceful spot. I dug his grave so deep I hit water. Now I went back to get his body. I had to roll the container through the house from the deck. (Don't ask) Princess was outside as I came off the porch. The lid came open a tiny bit. At that moment she knew it was him. We walked together to the woods. As I entered the woods she was gone. Disappeared. I did what I had to do to get the container to the burial spot. (He was heavy!) I lowered him carefully into his grave, covered him up and marked his spot with a cross. As I turned to leave, there was Princess, sitting at attention looking very regal. She waited for me to come out of the woods and walked that long walk up the hill to the house with me, step by step. I cleaned the mud off my boots and pants from the many times I had fallen while digging the grave. Then I looked at my coat and realized I was wearing the very same barn coat I used when I was training the dogs when they were puppies. The coat was muddy too, but, I didn't care. A week went by before I told Darren and Harrison what I had done. I asked Harrison if he would like come with me to the grave site and place the bandanna on it. We went down together and honored our friend.

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