Saturday, March 8, 2014

Brain Injury drawbacks, of which there are many. I will just whine about a few tonight

Home alone again on a Saturday night.

Fully able people can just go out without a thought about the weather, the time of day or if they took their medicine.  Oh yeah, and if it is a bright and noisy place or not.  My husband and son are off with their friends.  I'm tired of doing housework, watching TV, exercising or entertaining myself with art or reading. Sometimes my eyes don't work well enough for me to paint or read so even if I wanted to do those activities they are not possible.

The dog doesn't even stay in the same room with me since her brother died.

I'm sad.  Life can be so disappointing at times; took my evening medicine and know that I will become drowsy soon.  It's not even 9 pm. I will try to fight off sleep for as long as I can because when Darren and Harrison come in they will wake me up and then I won't be able to go back to sleep until after 1 am or so.

Just another day, just another weekend.

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