Major seizure Friday night. First in I don't know how long. I should have told my husband and friends that I thought the restaurant music was too loud when I was waiting in the lobby, but, I didn't and I paid for it. I actually got locked into my brain and couldn't speak for awhile. Luckily it was at bedtime and my husband was right beside me as I tried to work my way back into the world, so to speak.
Know this, it is your brain and belongs to no one else. You have to protect yourself, be polite about it but just excuse yourself from situations when you feel it is too much to process, too loud anything. No one else really knows but you. Don't try to be a "trooper" like I did, it cost me a seizure, a migraine, clear speech and driving privileges. I am already above the dosage level approved by the FDA for my anti seizure medicine so there is no increase in dosages possible. I must tell myself to learn to say no thank you, and to ask for help.
I did ask my neighbor who is a Speech Therapist to help me recover my speech, and another friend of mine is an audiologist, she will evaluate me in a few weeks to see if there are any other systems we can put in place to help me in public. I already have 3 different types of earplugs to use depending on the situation. Everyones brain is different. Mine tricks me! I do very well for months, then get knocked off my feet. Let me encourage everyone to get back up, evaluate what happened, make the adjustment and live life the best you can.
I currently have many stressful situations going on in my life, so maybe the noise just sent my brain over the edge. I will not list them all, and yes there a quite a few, I must learn how to not let them stress me because I will then have partial seizures, not stop which then makes things worse.
Today, I dropped my I Phone in the washer, it was in a Lifeproof case, but, they say it must be user error if my phone got wet while in the case. Maybe it wasn't sealed all the way, maybe I should have paid the 10 extra dollars to insure my phone. That option wasn't available when the cases came out because who wouldn't spend an extra $10 to insure a $500 phone? The better question is, if your product is so good, military grade, he kept saying, why do I need to spend $10 to insure my phone. Oh well, I hope rice works. Meanwhile, I am without my phone which has my schedule and alerts for my medicine because it is portable. Know what? If the rice doesn't work, I will just get a new phone, sync it and get one with life. Because additional stress is not what I need. And, didn't I just say we should learn how to limit our stress and take care of our brains. To quote a song I remember as a child, "the most important person in the whole wide world is you, and you hardly even know you...".
I am off to finish dinner and find a chuckle in this world of mine. Usually, I am laughing at myself. If I think about it, dropping my phone in the washer is funny, typical of me which why I bought the case, and a story to tell and laugh about later. No matter what happens.
Take care of you, only you can!
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