Friday, August 16, 2013

So, I start this with the intentions of keeping it up at least every two days because there is always something.  Well that hasn't happened.

One of the things I want you to know about me is I forget a lot and may not spell my words correctly, I sometimes get insulted when I think people are trying to be sympathetic and say "Oh that is not your injury it happens to everyone", I know they mean well.  I think I know when it's my injury and when it's simply old age or menopause or whatever people are trying to blame it on.

Let's see, much has happened since whenever I started this so I will just give you the most recent, that I can remember. Ha Ha!  My daughter came back from England last weekend and had to fly straight to Tulane, in New Orleans Louisiana before you ask. After not seeing her most of the summer my husband and I said we were going to meet her there even if it meant only see her for 17 hours.  Travelling is hard on me, it causing partial seizures and my balance is already, not quite right.  I thank Southwest  for letting me board early because if I boarding after people are already on the plane I would just panic because I have to look at the people and see where empty seats are. I know people wonder why this perfectly normal looking person has to board before they do, however, believe me you don't won't to be in my shoes.  The stress of the airport may cause a partial seizure. I wear earplugs and noise cancelling headphones, sometimes even my sunglasses.  Yes, that was me if you saw this strange looking person on  August 11 in NOLA.  Actually, I could look like a movie star in disguise getting special treatment! Yeah right on Southwest.

Anyway in NOLA I lost my balance and fell on the sidewalk, got the scraps to prove that one! Just suddenly lost my balance and my hubby didn't see me going down in time to help.  Oh well. Our friend's daughter was frightened because she knew I had issues but I don't think she ever expected to see anything.  Just can't hide problems from concussions, we LOOK normal.  Shaky balance the rest of the day. Had to hold my husband's hand the rest of the day (bonus!) however sometimes I was so wobbly he may have been pulled down too!  I was sent to Lauren's room to just wait for them to carry stuff upstairs. This is not my nature.  I am the person in the thick of things. I used to carry the boxes up steps, load the dollies, etc.  Now I am stuck in an apartment waiting for my assignment.  It stunk, and still stinks because it happens all the time.

Okay, today is Friday the week was eventful, I had to argue with the alarm company about a new panel they put in, which was incorrect like I tried to tell them, however it is hard for me to get my point across because sometimes the right words won't come.  Mischief manged today and I am proud I was persistent.  Hospital tried to say I hadn't paid a bill, I had the records to prove I had paid the bill, they deposited my check and somehow lost the money. There are little victories!  Persistence and writing down date, time and names help tremendously when problem solving, goes back to my days of being a manager with a staff of 75 and 600 accounts.  If I said that before I.m sorry. (The work part)  I think I will end this posting now because my vision has decided to go blurry, too much typing and I'm starting to misspell more than normal!

I'll check in later.  Time to walk the dogs.

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