Friday, November 13, 2020

2020 Pandemic- Covid 19

It's been since March 2020 when everyday routines were suddenly changed forever.  Welcome to the worldwide Pandemic-Covid 19.  A sneaky little virus that can either make you very ill or kill you!

Not only has it shut down the economy all across the world it further widened the divide between the "haves and have nots", the Democrats and Republicans, Caucasians and people of Color and rational thinking.  Anger and Fear have taken over.  Anxiety has reared its ugly head too.

Fast forward, or not, it's November.  Here we are still in semi quarantine.  In fact, it looks like the country is about to go on a lockdown again because the current leadership has sacrificed lives for the almighty dollar.  Don't get me wrong, there is no easy solution to our situation.  I sympathize with business owners and the employees whose jobs are in jeopardy but, I can't help but wonder if a brief tightly controlled shutdown would be better for the economy in the long run?  The every state for themselves, based on party politics (unfortunately almost all Republicans) hasn't worked.

My travel has been severely curtailed, but, I am blessed to have my every need met with no worries so who am I to complain.

Three years since my last dose of anti seizure and migraine medications.  I think eventually I will truly document my journey to independence in this space.  It's actually what my daughter intended when she recommended that I journal, but I didn't have the memory or the confidence to document my life.  Getting through the day was a challenge in itself.  I may look normal but remember, I'm Not Quite Right. So much has happened it's hard to know where to start.  

They have NO idea.